How this ONE Book has Helped Me Find Direction for 2017

I can’t believe that it is 2017! Where did that last year go? It feels like as you get older the years start going faster and faster. How does that happen?!
I hope all of you had a great Christmas and New Years and you got to relax and spend some time with your families.
As I have been contemplating what I should blog about this month I keep coming back to what my big goal is for 2017. Now I am not a New Years resolution gal. I have been there done that with making goals. Let's be honest, I really only try for 5 minutes and then it's forgotten and not kept.
At PRIME we pride ourselves on personal growth. By doing that we read a book of some kind every single month as a Brokerage. I love that we do that together as a Prime team! Last month we read a book called, "The One Thing," by Gary Keller. While most books we read are really good and make me think a lot on how to better myself not only as a person but also in Real Estate, this one topped my year out! I LOVED it! One concept stood out to me and hit me like a ton of bricks. It asked what my “BIG WHY” is for 2017.
I thought about it and my word for 2017 is...
What is my purpose? Well I have thought about it a lot the last few weeks. I want to share a couple of quotes with you for the new year and hopefully you can see why this has been my why for 2017.
1. "Happiness happens on the way to fulfillment. The surest path to achieving lasting happiness happens when you make your life about something bigger, when you bring meaning and purpose to your everyday actions."
2. "Discover your big why. Discover your PURPOSE by asking yourself what drives you? What’s the thing that gets you up in the morning and keeps you when you’re tired and worn down. It’s why you are doing what your doing."
3. "Pick a direction. PURPOSE may sound heavy, but it doesn’t have to be. Think of it as simply the one thing you want in your life to be about more than the other."

I LOVE this so much! If you want to read an uplifting book that will help you get organized and maybe give you that ah-ha moment, read this book. I will leave you with one last thought…
"Pick a direction, start marching down that path, and see how you like it. Time brings clarity!'
I just want to personally thank each and every one of you that I had the privilege of helping in 2016! I have learned so much from each of you. I look forward to learning and growing and making 2017 the best year yet!
Much love,

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Jen Paxton is one of PRIME's brightest assests. Her personality and desire to learn is contagious with everyone she encounters. Whether you are listing your home with Jen or she is showing you a home to buy, she takes pride in walking beside you every step of the way.
"I love my family and friends and I want to help them learn how to make money with their largest invvestment. The trust they give me is very important to me and it is something I don't take for granted."
After spending a career in sales, she has found her home in Residential Real Estate at PRIME. She loves her work and spending time with her daughter Riley and husband Bryan.
Jen is also a contributing Blogger here at PRIME
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We are a boutique Real Estate Brokerage committed to educating our clients how to maximize profits when buying, selling and investing in real estate. We achieve this accord by serving our clients with the heart of a teacher.
From luxury listings to first time home buyers, we dedicate our time, resources and knowledge, to achieve a very personal an rewarding real estate experience.